Sunday, October 9, 2011

Safety Tips for Homewoners

Although you may live in a safe neighborhood, it's always good to take the extra steps to ensure your safety. The habits we adopt in our daily lives, like at home, will stay with us as we step out of our day-to-day paths... After attending a recent REALTOR safety training course, hosted by Andrew Wooten, I decided to share these valuable tips via my blog... Some things are common sense but hopefully you'll gain some helpful tips here.

1. UV Film on Windows   Install 3M Safety and Security Window Film. This provides not only protection against harmful UV rays and tinted sun control, it also is a crime prevention tool by impeding quick entry though windowpanes and glass doors and additionally protects by helping hold panes in place to minimize flying glass due to violent weather or accidents. (see 3M website for more info)

2. Install Deadbolts  Install full one-inch bolts on all entry doors. This is in addition to any existing locks. If your door has glass panels without safety glass, the lock should be a double-cylinder deadbolt, to avoid breaking of glass and unlocking of door. By installed a UV safety film, like that made by 3M, did you know that you get not only protection against harmful sun rays but also protection against high winds and safety protection as well?

2. Exterior Lighting. Install motion sensor lights at all four points of your home and make sure all porches and entrance areas are well lit. Consider re-lamping all exterior lights when one lamp burns out. This is called group re-lamping. For the interior, consider putting a couple of lights on timers anytime you are away.

3. Install Secured Mailboxes. Identity theft is growing rapidly. Install a locking mailbox so that walker-bys do not have access to your mail.

4. Inventory Your Home. Take a video of the contents of your home (great for insurance claims too) and keep in a safe place. Write down serial numbers of any expensive electronics. Keep copies of home improvement purchase receipts along with insurance policies in one safe location.

5. Photo the contents of your wallet. Take a photo of everything in your wallet and store with your important documents. If for any reason your wallet is lost or stolen, you will be able to contact all companies quickly.

6. Misc Tips. Do not announce on Facebook etc. where you are or when you are on vacation, do not leave handbags where seen from a window, use auto light timers when away for extended periods of time, remember unsecured wi-fi networks are just that...unsecured.

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